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  • Sacred Symbolism: The Metal Om Trishul Swastik Trishakti Frame carries profound symbolism, featuring the auspicious symbols of Om, Trishul, and Swastik for spiritual significance.
  • Material: Metal, Color: Red, Product dimensions: 3.5x5.5 inch
  • Exquisite Craftsmanship: Meticulously crafted, this wall hanging showcases intricate detailing and fine craftsmanship, adding an element of artistry to your space.
  • Durable Metal Construction: Made from high-quality metal, this frame ensures durability, providing a long-lasting addition to your decor that withstands the test of time.
  • Elegant Wall Decor: Enhance the aesthetics of your living space with this elegant wall hanging, creating a focal point that blends seamlessly with various interior styles.
  • Versatile Placement: Perfect for any room, meditation space, or sacred corner, the Metal Om Trishul Swastik Trishakti Frame offers versatility in placement, bringing positive energy to your home.

Salvus APP SOLUTIONS Metal Om Trishul Swastik Trishakti, 2-Pcs (Red_3.5x5.5 in)

₹590.00 Regular Price
₹560.00Sale Price
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